Christmas Morning dawned with Santa having arrived during the evening. Perhaps the most poignant gift was a LARGE, HEAVY bag that intrigued the boys. Inside, underneath mounds of tissue paper, were two red bricks (rocks) and four tubes of toothpaste. Santa sent a warning shot over the bow of the boys' boat! ;-)
Luiz and Yago attended church with Connie and her son Ian--Ben had to work in the paper mill this day. We had a great brunch of eggs, bacon, bagels, and cinnamon rolls with Orange Juice. Each boy received a LOT of socks... Santa knew that they had been borrowing Rich's nice socks over the past four months, so he wanted to help out the poor man.
We all received very nice gifts and enjoyed the day. Rich took a two-hour nap in front of the pellet stove and when he woke up, Luiz asked, "What we going to do now?"
From our home to yours: Happy Christmas, Everyone!